Dewayne Dickens, Ph.D.
Dr. Dickens has extensive experience in faculty professional development, leadership, diversity and multicultural issues, implicit bias discussions, including national presentations on such topics as creative strategies for teaching and learning, race in education, multicultural learning issues, technology in classroom instruction, and community involvement with education. Additionally, he has served as a student organization adviser, student-success and research committee leader, and a faculty professional development facilitator--presenting topics on Implicit Bias, City as Text, Service Learning as Engaging Pedagogy, and Teaching Diverse Students. Dr. Dickens is active in social justice issues throughout the region, reflected in his work with several organizations throughout the area, such as the John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation, the Greater Tulsa African American Affairs Commission, the Oklahoma Center for Community & Justice (OCCJ), Racism Stinks, and Oklahoma Humanities, along with serving as a board member for KIPP Tulsa College Preparatory.